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Data Conversion

Data Conversion Services

Data conversion is one of the areas in the field of data entry that is emerging as a high-growth service. The outsourcing of data entry, processing, and conversion is a priority for many global majors. If you are looking to outsource data processing and conversion, you should look no further than Synergy Resource Management for all of your needs.

SRM is a pioneer in providing data processing and conversion services. By providing global customers with cost-effective services without compromising on quality, SRM has become a leading provider of data processing and conversion services.

Data Conversion Services

Our Data Conversion Services

We provide a wide range of file format conversions and data digitization services. Here's a brief of our online data conversion services -

• PDF Conversion Services
• Word Formatting Services
• Electronic Document Management (EDM)
• XML Conversion Services
• Book Conversion Services
• Document Conversion Services
• File Format Conversion Services
• SGML Conversion Services
• HTML Conversion Services
• PSD to HTML Conversion Services
• JATS XML Conversion
• XBRL Conversion Services
• PubMed Conversion Services
• DTBook Conversion Services
• HTML to Responsive Conversion Services
• HTML to WordPress Conversion Services
• Adobe XD to HTML Conversion Services

Tasks We Perform

  • Aggregating and organizing your data
  • Digitizing your data and documents
  • Preventing data loss and storing data in the most usable formats
  • Getting rid of unnecessary data
  • Reverse engineering of data
  • Data conversion outsourcing services
  • Reusing data as per requirements
  • Legacy data conversion
  • Structured data conversion
  • Utilizing data for research and business intelligence purposes
  • Converting Quark, Interleaf, FrameMaker and PageMaker documents into XML, SGML& HTML
  • FTP, CD and DVD media format conversion
  • Data vectorization
  • Data harmonization
  • Microfiche conversion
  • Image format conversion

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