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Financial Research

Financial Research Services

There is no better indicator of the health of your company or that of your competitors than finances. Financial data, when properly researched, can reveal a number of important factors such as the recent successes and failures of a company, opportunities for risk reduction, and development of new products and services based on current market trends. When used properly, carefully made financial research and analysis data can help your company make precise, potentially game-changing decisions.

The true value of financial research is that it cannot only be used to better understand the recent decisions and actions of your business, but also present the position of your competitors in relation to yours. You can better understand the financial and operational drivers of your business, the economics of the industry (and your competitors) and the drivers behind the business behaviour of your competitors.

Synergy Resource Management is a leading provider of in-depth financial reporting for major companies around the globe. Our staff is highly trained in all aspects of the process and can help you obtain the data needed to make profound decisions in your business.

Financial Research Services

Financial Research and Analysis Services We Offer

To provide you with insightful inputs we offer a comprehensive range of reporting services.
Our full range of services including Business Valuation Services can be customized to the specific needs of your firm. We provide the following financial research and analysis services:-

Investment Research

We carry out thorough investment research and provide you with the detailed insights into the current investment market trends to help you make the best investment decisions, which help you maximize your investments.

Equity Research

We can provide in-depth analysis of equity claims on competitors, your business, and other major players in the industry, along with opportunity analysis within the field

Investment Banking Research

Investment firms need data on a number of key points, from a risk analysis of potential investments to long-term historical analysis. We can do it all to ensure your decisions are made with every piece of data in hand.

Credit Research

We can research the credit history and availability of your company as well as help you find the best rates and repayment opportunities to minimize what you owe while maximizing available cash

Financial Analysis Services

We can help you understand the financial feasibility by accounting the project size, budget, and if the funding would allow you to see tangible profit.

Buy Side Equity Research

Our buy side analyst will carry out extensive research to build risk-adjusted investment models that help you earn better returns on the capital

Fixed Income Research

fixed income analysts will evaluate bonds and debt securities to determine the credit risk and interest rate of various fixed income products. In this way, we can help you invest in products that yield maximum interest.

Financial Advisory Services

Whether it is investment, mortgage, retirement, or tax saver plans we have financial advisors who recommend investment in real estate, equity, mutual funds, commodity, and fixed income so you can make more gains.

Asset Management Support

We have asset managers who can manage your investments by constantly analysing your financial health. We support investment banks and individuals in choosing investments in the growth portfolio

Business Valuation

Our business valuation experts will bring transparency in transactions by measuring the value of businesses. Our services will fill the information gap on fair market value and maximum value of a business before high-value mergers and acquisitions

Financial Modelling

We can help you forecast your business goals by building a complete picture of the financial landscape across the world. We will build precision models based on financial risks, market volatility, and various other parameters that impact your financial goals.

Sell Side equity Research

Our equity research analysts will measure the financial prospects of securities or stocks held by you. We will evaluate the metrics to build reliable projections. This will to give you a clear picture of trends and make sell decisions appropriately.

Corporate Finance Support

Whether it is flotation, fundraising, or business acquisition or mergers we provide 360-degree support to ensure smooth transaction at the corporate level. Our support can enhance your ability to make sound decisions for your business.

Forex Market Research

Our team has the required skills and expertise to provide quality forex market research services. Our services can help you to stay updated about the latest developments in the market and trade conditions.

Financial Risk Analysis

We have required skills and expertise to provide clients with high-quality and accurate financial risk analysis services within a quick time. We leverage the best software and deliver results that are customized to the client's business needs.

Gap Analysis Services

We provide exceptional gap analysis services that help you identify the differences between where your business is and where it wants to be regarding the performance, finances, revenues, and service quality, or any other areas of operation. We help you identify and eliminate any gaps that could threaten the profitability of your firm.

Credit Risk Modelling Services

We are a leading credit risk analytics and modelling services providing company. We are highly proficient in using advanced intelligent systems for data science and analytics. We enable firms of all sizes to accurately assess credit reports, applications, and payment history, among others.

Financial Feasibility Analysis Services

We provide high-quality and accurate financial feasibility analysis services which are critical when a new project needs to be implemented. Our financial feasibility analysis helps stakeholders gain insights into whether a project will live up to its performance expectation.

Retail Brokerage Research

We offer comprehensive retail brokerage research services for businesses of all sizes, ensuring you have the data needed before expansion or alteration of your business

Derivatives Offshoring

If you work with derivatives or need data gathered about derivatives for your business or that of a client, we offer full research of derivative offshoring opportunities

Quantitative Analysis

Hard numbers are vital to ensure you know exactly how key factors in your industry affect your bottom line. We can perform this quantitative analysis on a wide range of factors, including those we research directly

Private Wealth Management

We offer a number of services to augment private wealth management for you or your clients, including research of potential investments, historical analysis and more

Retail Risk Analytics

Before making any decisions in retail, ensure you have all the information you need to gauge and determine the exact risk you will face.

Advantages that Synergy Resource Management provides to their clients :-

1. Get access to superior services at a low cost
2. Synergy provides guaranteed quality
3. Hands on experience with financial research & analytics services
4. Flexible pricing
5. On time project delivery.

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